Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tiara – Baking her way into hearts across town!

This is a story that we received from Siti where she writes about her pet Tiara and the dilemmas of popularity!

Written by: Siti Nur Fatin (hateie)

Tiara is a very quiet pet. She usually stays at home and rarely goes out.


She only ventures out to go to school or to buy necessities like food and furniture. Her best friend is CutieBabe, who is also timid like Tiara. A lot of people say that they were made for each other. And that is quite true.


Tiara took up baking, as baking is not something that attracts attention. Or so she thought! Tiara was the best baker in her neighbourhood. She knew how to bake anything, anything at all! Cheesecakes, Pies, Cupcakes, Muffins, Cakes, Croissants, Donuts, just name it, she can bake it all! And all her creations are known to be very delicious.


Soon, everyone knew about her. Whenever she went out to fetch some ingredients for baking, lots of people would cheerfully greet her. Tiara was puzzled and surprised at the sudden attention she got from her neighbours.




Every now and then, she would receive little notes and little gifts on her front door. Some of them were from neighbours that she rarely meets.



Tiara was not fond of the attention she was getting and so she started thinking of ways that would make her unnoticeable again.

The next day, Tiara hatched a plan and implemented it immediately. She called CutieBabe and said that she was going for a short holiday and will be back in a couple of days. Then, she walked to the stylist, took a deep breath, and went in…

A few minutes later, out stepped FuchsiaDarling. Is she a new neighbour, or an old friend in disguise?


FuchsiaDarling was quite rude! She sent mean notes to her neighbours and made prank calls to annoy people. Even the shop owners were not spared!

She was the terror of the neighbourhood! Everyone disliked her.

After a few days causing havoc, FuchsiaDarling felt miserable. She did not have any friends, and everyone kept on avoiding her. She rushed to the stylist to turn back into Tiara!


Having turned back to her original self, Tiara called CutieBabe about her return before inviting her neighbours to her house. All her neighbours turned up and each of them got to taste Tiara’s fabulous pastries. CutieBabe told Tiara about FuchsiaDarling and her horrid behaviour. Tiara just grinned at her best friend, no one knew what happened to FuchsiaDarling, except Tiara! ;)

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